This is a delicious and easy way to prepare mushrooms. On the day that I made these I had portabello mushrooms and king oyster mushrooms. If your mushrooms are smaller, such as crimini or chanterelles, they will cook more quickly.

LEARN THIS PROCESS! This recipe includes a process for roasting mushrooms. You can substitute any mushroom that you have. BE CREATIVE...COOK FEARLESSLY!
You can use whatever balsamic vinegar and olive oil that you have. I am lucky to have local-to-me The Quail & Olive in Carmel Valley. I'll link to the products I used in this recipe. If you aren't local, they ship!

1/2 cup olive oil plus more for drizzling (I used the Mediterranean Blend Olive Oil from The Quail & Olive)
1/4 cup balsamic vinegar (I used the Tuscan Melody Balsamic from The Quail & Olive)
salt and pepper
fresh thyme leaves
Also needed: lidded jar, parchment paper, baking sheet

Preheat oven to 450 degrees Fahrenheit. Place the olive oil and vinegar in a lidded jar and shake until emulsified.
Place mushrooms on a parchment paper-lined baking sheet, cut-side up if you cut them. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Drizzle with the glaze. Top the mushrooms with the thyme leaves and drizzle with more olive oil.
Put sheet in the oven and roast mushrooms for 20 to 25 minutes for large mushrooms, 16 to 18 mushrooms for small mushrooms.
You can use these as you would any roasted meat. They are delicious over pasta. On the night I made these, I served them on toast smeared with toom and topped with burrata.
